Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tel Aviv and the Taglit-Birthright Israel Chanukah party!

On our way to Jerusalem we stopped in Tel Aviv to learn more about its significance to the state of
Israel. In Tel Aviv we made a stop in Rabin Square to see the memorial of Yitzach Rabin. Despite the rainy weather outside we toured around the beautiful memorial and learned about his contributions to the state of Israel. The next stop on our journey was to Independence Hall. This was a small, simple, white building which made a very large impact on the state of Israel. This is where hundred of people met to watch Israel finally gain its independence and become a state. It was an extremely uplifting experience, especially when we all sang the Hatikvah together. After Independence Hall we all got some much needed rest during the bus ride to Jerusalem where we would be spending the final days of the trip. In the mid afternoon we went to a Chanukkah party with all of the Taglit-Birthright trips currently in Israel. We got the opporunity to hear from the Adelson's for whom without their generous donations to Birthright, Bus 966 would not have been able to make our amazing trip. At the end of this party we got to hear a concert from an Irsaeli singer which was a fun way for all of us to get to know each other more and have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Tzfat looks forward to seeing BRI participants return! Taglit participants are welcome to come back to Tzfat to participate in a subsidized volunteering/hiking summer programs. www.livnot.com
