Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 3 - Thursday, May 10th


The second morning began with a familiar 7:30 wake up call. Leon (my Israeli roommate) woke me up by telling me, "you have quite a talent, you’re snoring was so loud my ear plugs didn't even work!" After another egg breakfast we were off to the mountain town of Zefat. We began by visiting two ancient synagogues. They were far different than any other synagogue I've ever seen, one having three arks. After the synagogues we had some free time to do a little, as the ladies like to say, SHOPPPINGGG!! I bought an Omri Casspi Maccabi Tel-Aviv jersey (which I just found out is two sizes too small). After free time we walked up a staircase comparable to the stairs from the Rocky movies. After Zefat we visited Kebutz Yifat. Half of us split up and visited Kebutz Ramat David. There we learned about the history of Israeli pioneers and saw how a functioning Kebutz works. After Yifat we were off to Kebutz Hanaton. There we did some team building exercises and talked about our goals as Jewish people. We ended our day celebrating today’s Jewish holiday, Lag B'Omer, with a falafel dinner and a bonfire. Around the bonfire we banged drums and sang and danced. It was a great day and tomorrow we are off to Jerusalem, it's going to be great! 

Make it a great day,

Matt Marks and the Bus 990 Crew

Touring the synagogues of Zefat

A little break during our synagogue tour

Enjoying a Drum Circle at Kebutz Hanaton

More Drum Circle FUN around the fire

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