Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 3 (1&2 was mostly flying and driving) - Tuesday, December  18th

               We kicked off our trip in style and explored the Golan Heights area. Our first stop was the Tel Dan Nature Reserve located on the largest tributary of the Jordan River for a morning stroll through beautiful natural scenery. Not only were we able to work off the last bits of drowsiness, we learned some things about Israel’s wildlife as well.
               After our walk it was off the bus and into Jeeps for some back-roading in the actual Golan Heights. We drove through an army post used and fought over during the Six Day War, learning the history of the area and the conflict as we went. It’s high elevation makes the Golan Heights a key militarily strategic position and offer a huge advantage to those who control it, making it a focal point of the Six Day War.
               We left our Jeeps behind and journeyed to our final destination on Mt. Bental. The area we visited was another military outpost that is currently not in use. From the outpost, we had a wonderful view of much of Israel and could clearly see the Syrian border. After hearing more about the Six Day War and the conflict with Syria, we were free to explore the outpost. Many of us ventured into the depths of the dark, abandoned bunkers and walked along the makeshift trenches to get a sense of military life. We ended our trip with a visit to the coffee shop located right outside of the outpost. Then it was back to the hotel for dinner, debriefing and bonding. Until tomorrow!     

-Lauren Smith

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