Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 9 - Monday, December  24th

Waking up at the ass crack of dawn, 5:30 in the morning in the Bedouin Tents was not our ideal way to start our day.  However, the bright sunrise that peaked over the desert hills proved to show all of us that we would have a pleasant day..until we smelled the camel shit.  Upon smelling this, we gathered the courage to ride camels in a circle.  We even had the opportunity to name the camels.  After departing the silent desert, we embarked on a treacherous 2 hour bus ride filled with frigid conditions that no towel or sweatshirt could provide a sufficient amount of warmth.  Upon arrival at the Mesada, we gazed upon the steps that would lead us to the monumental feat for our trip.  As we gathered our gear, preparing ourselves for a gruesome, sweaty hike, we found that said hike turned out to be a 15 minute stroll up the mountain.  Despite the short walk, achieving our goal to the top of the Mesada remained monumental.  Before commencing our archaeological tour of the ruins of the Mesada, we were given the opportunity to renew our Jewish names.  The purpose of renewing our name was so all of us could unite in the act of Judaism.  In order to do so, we stood in unity, shouting from the tips of Mesada into the hills of Israel.  As each name was echoed back, a new sense of spiritual awakening engulfed our group.  From there, we explored the remainder of the Mesada, where Lilly stood with courage in front of our group, having her Bat Mitzvah on top of the beautiful mountain.  Mazel tov!  After this awesome little ceremony, we began our journey down the mountain.  This proved to be much harder than the upwards journey because of the winding Snake Path.  After a brief lunch, what was meant to be a long ride to the Dead Sea, seemed short due to our anxiety to float in the Sea.  The experience exceeded our expectations.  Not only did we lather from head to toe in mucus like mud, but we also managed to form bonds with other members of Taglit.  The Dead Sea proved to be very lively.  We were hesitant to submerge right away, but as everyone began bobbing along, we quickly floated our way to serenity amidst the Dead Sea.  After the sudden shock of burning sensation, it very quickly became fun in games as people began loosening up and dancing through the Sea.  It was interesting to feel the way the Sea was able to carry us without effort as if we were a feather.  After a brief, but cleansing shower, we journeyed to our final destination: Ma’ale Hachamisha Hotel.  The evening was pleasant, as everyone settled in and feasted like champions!  We look forward to experiencing the final moments of our journey before we are taken hostage on Delta flight #### to the United States of America.

Miss you and love you


Allie, Lizzy and Marci

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